Nuclear Power Plants Mcqs
Q.1: Which of the following is secondary fuel ?*
A. Th232andU238
B. U233andPu239
C. U233andPu238
D. non oh these
Q.2: Pick up the wrong statement?
A. In a heterogeneous or solid-fuel reactor, the fuel is mixed in a regular pattern within moderator.b
B. Slow or thermal neutrons have energy of the order or 0.025 eV=
C. Fast neutrons have energies above 1000 eV)
D. Fast reactor uses moderator
Q.3: Which of the following type of pump is used in liquid metal cooled reactor for circulation of liquid metal_________________?|
A. centrifugal
B. axial
C. reciprocation
D. electromagnetic
Q.4: A boiling water reactor uses following as fuel________________??
A. enriched uranium
B. plutonium
C. thorium
D. U
Q.5: In nuclear fission___________________?&
A. the original elements change into completely different elements?
B. the electrons of the element change#
C. the molecules rearrange themselves to form other molecules:
D. none of the above
Q.6: For economical operation of a nuclear plant__________________?>
A. used fuel should be reprocessed
B. moderator should be used
C. coolant should be employed
D. control rods should be used
Q.7: Each fission of U235 produces following number of fast neutrons per fission________________?\
A. 1 neutron
B. 1 neutrons
C. 1 2 neutrons
D. 2 neutrons
Q.8: A fast breeder reactor__________________?)
A. uses graphite rods as moderator
B. has powerful moderator
C. has no moderator
D. uses ferrite material as moderator"
Q.9: A fast breeder reactor uses following as fuel_________________??
A. enriched uranium
B. plutonium
C. thorium
D. U235
Q.10: Artificial radioactive isotopes find application in________________?D
A. power generation
B. nucleonic devices
C. nuclear fission
D. nuclear fusion