Pedagogy Mcqs
Q.1: Education is a process through which a ________ transmits its collected excellence to the next generations.k
A. Society
B. Individual
C. Group
D. None of these
Q.2: Education system of Pakistan is inspired by whom?1
B. Russia
D. South Korea
Q.3: What is the theme of the World Teachers Day 2021?1
A. We care for Teachers
B. Support for Teachers
C. Teachers at the heart of education recovery+
D. Teachers to be taught
Q.4: During the teaching-learning process, peer assessment, in addition to Exit Tickets/Slips are performed in:________?s
A. Diagnostic Assessment
B. Summative Assessment
C. Formative Assessment
D. Placement Assessment
Q.5: Who is considered as Father of Education?/
A. Maxwell
B. Horace Mann
C. Aristotle
D. All of these
Q.6: Which one is not the component of the curriculum?1
A. Design
B. Evaluation
C. Curriculum design
D. Abilities
Q.7: Curriculum development refers to the total process of curriculum?A
A. Designing
B. Implementing
C. Evaluating
D. All
Q.8: Without suitable curriculum, aims of education?/
A. Can be achieved
B. Cannot be achieved
C. Can be changed
D. None
Q.9: Logical order of content organization is to arrange the content according to__________?W
A. Course
B. Behavior
C. Design
D. Logical sequence
Q.10: Keeping in view the types of students in a class are generally grouped as___________?U
A. Average
B. Below average
C. Above average
D. All