Political Science Mcqs
Q.1: Socrates reacts to Anytus disapproval of the Sophists with: __________?J
A. Amazement
B. Anger
C. A rebuke
D. A theory
Q.2: Protagoras is used as an example of __________?/
A. A rich Sophist
B. A corrupt politician
C. A gifted priest
D. A man of true knowledge
Q.3: Anytus suggests that Meno talk to whom to learn about virtue?=
A. The Sophists
B. Any Athenian on the street
C. An oracle
D. Gorgias
Q.4: How does true opinion relate to knowledge?*
A. Its always inferior
B. Its sometimes superior
C. They are equally good
D. Its inferior in the long run
Q.5: Socrates was awarded punishment:
A. Death
B. Fine
C. Banishment from Athens
D. Imprisonment for 3 years
Q.6: Socrates was a Greek ___________?!
A. Philosopher
B. Singer
C. Composer
D. Poet
Q.7: Socrates believed that knowledge is the same thing as ______ or excellence and is always good:^
A. Virtue
B. Knowledge
C. Faith
D. Belief
Q.8: With what question does the Meno begin?'
A. What is virute?
B. Can virtue be taught?
C. Is virtue a kind of knowledge?
D. Are there many virtues or one?
Q.9: Where it Meno from?
A. Sparta
B. Athens
C. Eos
D. Thessaly
Q.10: Who is the student of Socrates?
A. Aristotle
B. Plato
C. Aristophanes
D. None of these

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