France Constitution Mcqs
Q.1: The Constitutional history of France begins with the French Revolution of: ____________?X
A. 1780
B. 1786
C. 1789
D. 1790
Q.2: The last monarch was of: ________?"
A. Bourborn
B. Czar
C. Napoleon
D. Louis Philippe
Q.3: In France, monarchy was ended in the result of rebellion of people and the first Republic was announced on:k
A. January 11,1789
B. September 15,1790
C. December 17,1791
D. September 22,1792
Q.4: The First Republic lasted form: _________?*
A. 1789-1799
B. 1791-1709
C. 1792-1804
D. None of these
Q.5: In France Second Republic created in: ___________?2
A. 1815
B. 1825
C. 1848
D. 1856
Q.6: In 1852, Napoleon III transferred the second republic into the second Empire, which was destroyed by the emergent Germany in:}
A. 1855
B. 1865
C. 1870
D. 1875
Q.7: The constitution of the Fourth Republic was put to the referendum and was promulgated on:Y
A. August 10,1940
B. September 12,1941
C. July 15,1942
D. October 27,1946
Q.8: Under the constitution of France 1946, Parliament consisted of the National Assembly and:Y
A. Council of Ministers
B. Council of Peoples
C. Council of the Republic
D. None of these
Q.9: The First President of the Fifth Republic of France was: _________?C
A. Coty
B. General de Gaulle
C. Chirac
D. None of these
Q.10: France has: _____________?
A. Uni-party system
B. Two-party system
C. Three-party system
D. Multi-party system

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