Pakistan Panel Code 1860 Mcqs
Q.1: Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 was enacted on _____________?7
A. 16th September, 1860
B. 6th October, 1860
C. 17th October, 1860
D. None of these
Q.2: Pakistan Penal Code is _____________?%
A. Customary law
B. Procedural law
C. Penal law
D. None of these
Q.3: A foreigner commits an offence within Pakistan he can ___________________?J
A. Be tried in Pakistan
B. Not be tried in Pakistan
C. Be punished under Pakistan Penal Code and can be tried in PakistanB
D. None of these
Q.4: The term Mens rea means__________________?0
A. Constructive intention
B. Actual intention
C. Common intention
D. None of these
Q.5: The term Gender include________________?.
A. Male
B. Female
C. Both male and female
D. None of these
Q.6: According to P.P.C. Movable property include_________________?D
A. Land
B. Corporeal property of every description'
C. Any thing attached to earth
D. None of these
Q.7: Whoever does anything with the intention of causing wrongful gain to one person or wrongful loss to another person, is said to do that thing_______________?
A. Fraudulently
B. Dishonestly
C. Wrongfully
D. None of these
Q.8: The Special law is applicable to ____________________ ?=
A. Whole community
B. Local area
C. Particular subject
D. None of these
Q.9: Nothing is an offence which is done by a child of__________________?D
A. Seven years of age
B. Thirteen years of age
C. Fifteen years of age
D. None of these
Q.10: Solitary confinement means____________________?5
A. Isolation of prisoner
B. Isolation of prisoner from his family%
C. Isolation of prisoner from human intercourse and society8
D. None of these