Sampling Mcqs
Q.1: In statistics, a sample means__________?(
A. A portion of the sample
B. A portion of the population
C. All the items under investigation!
D. None of the above
Q.2: Major area of statistics today is concerned with drawing of conclusions from__________?W
B. Primary
C. Two
D. Complete study
Q.3: In Statistics, a population consists of:_____________?6
A. All People living in a country
B. All People living in the are under study(
C. All subjects or objects whose characteristics are being studied?
D. None of the above
Q.4: If the sampled population has a normal distribution, when is the sampling distribution of the sample mean X also a normal distribution ?
A. Only when the sample size is at least 100.*
B. Only when the sample size is smaller than 30,
C. Always
D. Only when the sample size is at least 30.)
Q.5: In the sampling without replacement a sampling unit can be selected_______________?S
A. Only Once
B. More than once
C. Less than once
D. None of these
Q.6: The smallest individuals which constitute the entire population are called __________________?^
A. Sampling frame
B. Sampling units
C. Sample pop
D. Sample design
Q.7: There are ____________ probability sampling?,
A. Four
B. Six
C. Three
D. Seven
Q.8: In probability sampling each sampling unit has some____________________?H
A. Unknown
B. Large
C. Small
D. Know
Q.9: Standard deviation of the sampling distribution of a statistics is called_____________?W
A. Serious error
B. Dispersion
C. Standard error
D. Difference
Q.10: In w.o.r 2x=_____________________?$
A. 26/nN n/N 1
B. /nN n/N 1
C. 26/n N n/N 1
D. 26/n