Stoichiometry Mcqs
Q.1: Pick out the correct statement ?
A. A substance existing above its critical temperature is called a saturated vaporO
B. A mixture of vapor gas is called saturated, if the equilibrium vapor pressure of the liquid is^
C. more than the partial pressure of the vapor at the same temperatureC
D. Heat added to or given up by a substance at constant temperature is called the sensible heat\
Q.2: The heat capacity of a solid compound is approximately equal to the sum of the heat capacities of the constituent elements. This is the statement of___________________?
A. Law of Petit and Dulong
B. Kopps rule
C. Nernst heat theorem
D. Troutons rule
Q.3: Pick out the wrong unit conversion ?$
A. 1 atm. = 760 mm Hg = 29.92 inch Hg = 14.7 psi = 1.013 bar = 1.013 kgf/cm2I
B. 1 kPa = 100 bar
C. 1 mm Hg = 1 torr = 133.3 Pa
D. None of these
Q.4: Pick out the wrong unit conversion ?$
A. 1 Joule = 4.186 calorie
B. 1 kcal = 3.968 BTU = 0.00116 kWh = 0.00156 hp-
C. 1 ton of TNT (tri-nitro-toluene) = 4.2 GJ (1G = 109)4
D. 1 ft.lbf= 0.3238 calorie = 0.1383 kg.m = 1.356 J = 1.356 N.m<
Q.5: Pick out the correct statement ?
A. Heat of solution is always positive#
B. At equilibrium, G is zero
C. For the reaction, PCl5 PCl3 + Cl2, G is less than E;
D. The heating of water in a beaker is an example of an isolated systemD
Q.6: Pick out the wrong unit conversion ?$
A. 1 kgf= 9.8 Newton
B. 1 stoke = 1 m2/second
C. 1 Pascal second = 10 poise
D. 1 ppm = 1 ml/m3 = 1 mg/kg
Q.7: Pick out the wrong statement?
A. The integral heat of solution of either component cannot be calculated from heat of mixingZ
B. data
C. The average value of heat of neutralisation of dilute solutions of weak acids and bases is much_
D. less compared to that for strong acids and bases0
Q.8: Pick out the wrong statement ?
A. Raoults law holds good for the solubility of polar gases in non-polar liquidsP
B. Molecules with symmetrical arrangement (e.g., CH4 and CCl4) are non-polarI
C. Most of the hydrocarbons are non-polar&
D. Generally, non-polar compounds are chemically inactive, conduct electricity poorly and doY
Q.9: Pick out the wrong statement?
A. The effect of pressure on heat capacity of gases at pressure above one atmosphere and above[
B. the critical temperature is negligible&
C. The value of Cp of gases increases with increase in pressure, above atmospheric pressureX
D. The value of Cp at critical temperature and pressure reaches infinityE
Q.10: Pick out the wrong statement?
A. The evaporation of aqueous solution of glucose causes its molarity to increaseN
B. Both the freezing point as well as boiling point of sea water is more than that of distilled waterb
C. The solution containing equal masses of two liquids X and Y has the same mole fraction ofh
D. X and Y