Agricultural Economics Mcqs
Q.1: An index measuring national socioeconomic development based on measures of life expectancy at birth, educational attainment and adjusted per capital income ?
A. Human development index
B. Human poverty index
C. Headcount index
D. None
Q.2: The currency of a major industrial country, such as the U.S dollar___________________?V
A. Main currency
B. Hard currency
C. Stable currency
D. None
Q.3: The responsiveness of the quantity demand of a commodity to change in the consumers income, measured by the proportionate change in quantity divided by the proportionate change in income ?
A. Elasticity of demand
B. Import substitution
C. Income elasticity of demand
D. None
Q.4: The implicit change in real income resulting from the effects of a change in a commoditys price on quantity demand?v
A. Income effect
B. Substitution effect
C. Labour effect
D. All
Q.5: The annual amount that a borrower must pay a lender over an above the total borrowed ?V
A. Interest
B. Loan
C. Interest rated
D. None
Q.6: The part of the urban economy of LDCs characterized by small competitive individual or family firms, labour intensive methods, free entry and market determined factor and product prices?
A. Formal sector
B. Informal sector
C. Formal finance
D. Informal finance
Q.7: Any system that features one price for sellers and another for buyers ?G
A. Dual price system
B. Floor pricing
C. Ceiling pricing
D. None
Q.8: A market situation in which a product that does not have close substitutes is being produced and sold by a single seller?y
A. Oligopoly
B. Monopoly
C. Perfect competition
D. None
Q.9: Activities of central bank designed to influence financial variables such as money supply and interest rates?m
A. Fiscal policy
B. Economic policy
C. Monitory policy
D. None
Q.10: The study process by which a productive capacity of the economy is increased over time to bring about raising levels of national output and income?
A. Development
B. Economic growth
C. Economic integration
D. All