Water Management Mcqs
Q.1: The force with which the particles of same body are held together is called_______________?[
A. Cohesion
B. Adhesion
C. Surface tension
D. All are correct
Q.2: The horizontal flow of water in irrigation channel or canal leading to water loss is called as:_________?i
A. Infiltration
B. Percolation
C. Seepage
D. All of these
Q.3: How much annual rain fall is in sargodha?)
A. 400 mm
C. 500 mm
D. 550 mm
Q.4: The value of coefficient of discharge in comparison to cofficient of velocity is found to be ____________________?r
A. Lesser
B. More
C. Equal
D. Zero
Q.5: Those crops which increase the nitrogen content of the soil and hence the fertility also are called ___________________?x
A. Leguminous crops
B. Cash crops
C. Fodder
D. Food crops
Q.6: The losses of irrigation water due to the seepage but That. does not join the under ground reservoir is called __________________?
A. Seepage losses
B. Absorption losses
C. Evaporation losses
D. Percolation losses
Q.7: The force with which the distinct bodies held together when their surfaces are brought in contact to each other is called _________________?
A. Adhesion
B. Cohesion
C. Surface tension
D. All are correct
Q.8: The level above the or below the sea level which is also called zero level or datum is called ___________________?r
A. Reduce level
B. Positive level
C. Soil level
D. Negative level
Q.9: The significant damage to crop generally occurs when capillary meniscus reaches permanent wilting point known as _______________?
A. Unavailable moisture
B. Hygroscopic moisture
C. Equivalent moisture
D. A and B
Q.10: To pack with clay material generally for the purpose of checking leakage of water is called __________________?o
A. Pug
B. Cohesive
C. Seal
D. Repair