Development Theories And Under Development Mcqs
Q.1: Development is a term which:
A. Has clearly been defined
B. Has no clear definition
C. Can be defined but no attempt has been made+
D. None of above
Q.2: Liberal theory of development is also known as: _________?:
A. Classical theory of development
B. Neo-classical theory of development#
C. Theory of entrepreneur
D. Theory of economic maturity
Q.3: Whose name is not associated with the liberal theory of development:D
A. Adam Smith
B. Ricardo
C. Karl Marx
D. Malthus
Q.4: According to Lucian Pye Political development:.
A. Could be measured with industrialisation:)
B. And industrialisation were opposed to each other0
C. And industrialisation should be delinked from each other8
D. Could not be measured with industrialisation,
Q.5: According to classical thinkers which one was not a measuring yard for development:S
A. Land
B. Labour
C. Capital
D. Education
Q.6: According to liberal theory of development origin of all value was: _______?L
A. Land
B. Labour
C. Capital
D. Mineral wealth
Q.7: According to some thinkers political development cannot be measured in terms of political modernisation because:p
A. It is not suited to third world countries)
B. Both are opposed to each other
C. Western countries are opposed to it#
D. Term political modernisation is ambiguous)
Q.8: According to Edward A. Shills political development should be linked with:J
A. Political modernisation
B. Industrialisation
C. Capital formation
D. Standards of modernisation of a state%
Q.9: Max Weber has linked political development with: _________?;
A. Industrialisation
B. Economy of society
C. Social conditions
D. Administrative development
Q.10: Who of the following has laid stress on the role of bureaucracy in measuring political development?c
A. Edward Shills
B. Nettle
C. Lucian Pye
D. Nax Weber

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