Rectifers And Convertors Mcqs
Q.1: The ignited or auxiliary anode in mercury arc rectifier is made of____________?O
A. graphite
B. boron carbide
C. aluminium
D. copper
Q.2: The efficiency of an electrolytic rectifier is nearly____________?B
A. 80%
B. 70%
C. 60%
D. 40%
Q.3: Which of the following rectifiers are primarily used for charging of low voltage batteries from AC supply ?k
A. Mechanical rectifiers
B. Copper oxide rectifiers
C. Selenium rectifiers
D. Electrolytic rectifiers
Q.4: Which of the following is the loss within the mercury arc rectifier chamber ?M
A. Voltage drop in arc
B. Voltage drop at the anode
C. Voltage drop at the cathode
D. All of the above
Q.5: Which of the following rectifiers have been used extensively in supplying direct current for electroplating ?m
A. Copper oxide rectifiers
B. Selenium rectifiers
C. Mercury arc rectifiers
D. Mechanical rectifiers
Q.6: In a mercury arc rectifier, the anode is usually made of_____________?F
A. copper
B. aluminium
C. silver
D. graphite
Q.7: A commutating rectifier consists of commutator driven by___________?D
A. an induction motor
B. a synchronous motor
C. a series motor
D. a shunt motor
Q.8: In selenium rectifiers efficiencies ranging from _______ to _______ percent are attainable?[
A. 25, 35
B. 40, 50
C. 60, 70
D. 75, 85
Q.9: The applications of selenium rectifiers are usually limited to potential of_____________?Y
A. 10 V
B. 30 V
C. 60 V
D. 100 V
Q.10: Selenium rectifier can be operated at temperatures as high as____________?J
A. 25C
B. 40C
C. 60C
D. 75C

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