Software Evolution Mcqs
Q.1: Software evolution does not comprises ?'
A. Development activities
B. Negotiating with client
C. Maintenance activities
D. Re-engineering activities
Q.2: Program modularization and Source code translation are the activities of ____________________?^
A. Forward engineering
B. Reverse Engineering
C. Reengineering
D. Reverse Engineering and Reengineering%
Q.3: Identify the correct statement with respect to Evolutionary development ?I
A. Evolutionary development usually has two flavors; exploratory development, and throw-away prototypinge
B. Very large projects are usually done using evolutionary development based approachR
C. It facilitates easy project management, through the high volume of documentation it generates]
D. Sometimes the construction of a throw-away prototype is not followed by a re- implementation of the software system using a more structured approach
Q.4: The two dimensions of spiral model are ______________________?>
A. diagonal, angular
B. radial, perpendicular
C. radial, angular
D. diagonal, perpendicular
Q.5: A sociotechnical system is a system that includes___________________?E
A. people
B. software
C. hardware
D. all of the mentioned
Q.6: Which technique is applied to ensure the continued evolution of legacy systems ?P
A. Forward engineering
B. Reverse Engineering
C. Reengineering
D. Reverse Engineering and Reengineering%
Q.7: Spiral model was developed by ___________________?2
A. Victor Bisili
B. Berry Boehm
C. Bev Littlewood
D. Roger Pressman
Q.8: Model preferred to create client/server applications is _______________________?P
A. WINWIN Spiral Model
B. Spiral Model
C. Concurrent Model
D. Incremental Model
Q.9: Processes for evolving a software product depend on __________________?G
A. Type of software to be maintained!
B. Development processes used
C. Skills and experience of the people involved,
D. All of the mentioned
Q.10: Reverse engineering is the last activity in a re-engineering project _____________________?[
A. True
B. False
C. Read More Details about this Mcq