Building Materials And Construction Mcqs
Q.1: Proper amount of entrained air in concrete results in__________?@
A. 1. better workability
B. 2. better resistance to freezing and thawing,
C. 3. lesser workability
D. 4. less resistance to freezing and thawing The correct answer is:A
Q.2: Compared to mild steel, cast iron has (1) high compressive strength (2) high tensile strength (3) low compressive strength (4) low tensile strength The correct answer is_________________?
A. (1) and (2)
B. (2) and (3)
C. (3) and (4)
D. (1)and(4)
Q.3: As compared to English bond, double flemish bond is_________________?E
A. stronger
B. more compact
C. costly
D. none of the above
Q.4: The differential settlement in case of foundations on sandv soils should not exceed_____________?a
A. 25 mm
B. 40 mm
C. 65 mm
D. 100 mm
Q.5: The type of footing which is used to transmit heavy loads through steel columns is_______________?b
A. raft foundation
B. grillage foundation
C. well foundation
D. isolated footing
Q.6: In a colar beam roof_______________?$
A. there is no horizontal tie beam
B. there is a horizontal tie at the feet of rafters only5
C. there is a horizontal tie at almost the middle of rafters only>
D. there are two horizontal ties, one at the feet and other at the middle of the raftersU
Q.7: The term string is used for______________?*
A. the underside of a stair
B. outer projecting edge of a tread
C. a sloping member which supports the steps in a stair4
D. a vertical member between two treads$
Q.8: The number of steps in a flight generally should not be less than________________?R
A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
D. no limit
Q.9: The vertical posts placed at the top and bottom ends of a flight supporting the hand rail are known as_________________?x
A. balusters
B. newal posts
C. balustrades
D. railings
Q.10: Minimum width of landing should be_______________?2
A. equal to width of stairs
B. half the width of stairs
C. twice the width of stairs
D. one fourth the width of stairs

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