Theory Of Structures Mcqs
Q.1: For the close coil helical spring of the maximum deflection is__________________?Q
A. WD3n/d4N
B. 2WD3n/d4N
C. 4WD3n/d4N
D. 8WD3n/d4N
Q.2: Pick up the correct statement from the following?1
A. Hoop strain of the walls of a cylinder due to liquid is (pd/2tE) (1 1/2m)M
B. Longitudinal strain in the walls of a cylinder due to liquid is (pd/2 tE) (1/2 1/m)W
C. Volumetric change in the cylinder due to liquid is (pd/2tE) (5/2 2/m)I
D. All the above
Q.3: inertia of a rectangular section of width and depth about an axis passing The moment of through C.G. and parallel to its width is_______________?
A. BD/6
B. BD3/6
C. BD3/12
D. BD/6
Q.4: Pick up the correct statement from the following?1
A. For a uniformly distributed load, the shear force varies linearlyA
B. For a uniformly distributed load, M. curve is a parabola8
C. For a load varying linearly, the shear force curve is a parabola@
D. All the above
Q.5: Pick up the correct statement from the following?1
A. Mcg = M M2 + r2) where letters carry their usual meanings9
B. Tcp = m2 + T2)where letters carry their usual meanings6
C. The torque which when acting alone would produce maximum shear stress equal to the maximum shear stress caused by the combined bending and torsion, is called equivalent torque
D. All the above
Q.6: Pick up the incorrect statement from the following: The torsional resistance of a shaft is directly proportional to___________________?
A. Modulus of rigidity
B. Angle of twist
C. Reciprocal of the length of the shaft%
D. Moment of inertia of the shaft section&
Q.7: Pick up the correct statement from the following_______________?@
A. The structural member subjected to compression and whose dimensions are small asP
B. compared to its length, is called a stmt(
C. The vertical compression members are generally known as columns or stanchionsM
D. Deflection in lateral direction of a long column, is generally known as bucklingP
Q.8: P=4EI/L is the equation of Eulers crippling load if________________?K
A. Both the ends are fixed
B. Both the ends are hinged
C. One end is fixed and other end is free&
D. One end is fixed and other end is hinged(
Q.9: For calculating the allowable stress of long columns known as_________________?O
A. Straight line formula
B. Parabolic formula
C. Perrys formula
D. Rankines formula
Q.10: A shaft subjected to a bending moment M and a torque T, experiences__________________?V
A. Maximum bending stress = 32M d3
B. Maximum shear stress = 16 T d3
C. Both and
D. Neither nor

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