Apache Flex Mcqs
Q.1: You would use this syntax to embed asset.png in a StyleSheet:B
A. [Embed(source= "asset.png")#
B. [Embed("asset.png")]
C. Embed('asset.png')
D. @Embed("asset.png")
Q.2: An Apache Flex PMC member CANNOT
A. Vote for new Apache Flex committers and PMC members3
B. Cast binding votes on an Apache Flex release candidate6
C. Veto an Apache Flex release candidate%
D. Veto an Apache Flex release candidate%
Q.3: What's the minimum version of Flash Player that Apache Flex 4.9.0, 4.9.1 or 4.10.0 supports?`
A. 10.1
B. 11.8
C. 10.2
D. 11.1
Q.4: How do you insert a "new line" inside a MXML text property?C
A. /\n
C. \n
D. <br>
Q.5: Which is not a feature added in Apache Flex 4.10.0?3
A. Over 200 bug fixes
B. Datagrid row and column locking
C. ASC 2.0 compiler support
D. ASC 2.0 compiler support
Q.6: Which compiler option do you use to specify static linking?;
A. external-library-path
B. static-link-path
C. runtime-shared-library-path
D. library-path
Q.7: Where can you use the mx:HTML component to display HTML in a Flex App?F
A. On Adobe AIR TV Applications
B. On Adobe AIR Mobile Applications
C. On Adobe AIR Desktop Applications!
D. All of these
Q.8: True or False? remoting-config.xml has destinations defined for working with web services and http services.l
A. False
B. True
C. No Option
D. No Option
Q.9: Which is true about the following sentence: [Bindable(event="dataChanged")] ?V
A. The Flex compiler automaticaaly creates a propertyChangeEvent=
B. The bindable property will change when an event named dataChanged is dispatched.P
C. No Option
D. No Option
Q.10: If you define three events on a component and set their priority to 1,2 and 3 respectively. Which event will be handled first?~
A. Event with priority 3
B. Event with priority 2
C. No Option
D. No Option

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