Html5 Mcqs
Q.1: True or false: <u> is deprecated in HTML5.0
A. True
B. False
C. No Option
D. No Option
Q.2: What is Application Cache?
A. Enables a web application to copy the server logic to a local server, so it can be run without an internet connection. x
B. None of these
C. No Option
D. No Option
Q.3: An example of a new HTML5 element would be: ,
A. <strong>
B. <object>
C. <audio>
D. <comment>
Q.4: What type of tag is not supported by HTML5?+
A. <form>
B. <legend>
C. <font>
D. <object>
Q.5: What attribute(s) would you add to an <input type=number /> to set the maximum and minimum value for that input?
A. range=1,10
B. min=1 max=10$
C. value=1 maxvalue=10+
D. minimum=1 maximum=10,
Q.6: How would an older (non-HTML5) browser handle an <input type=email /> element?`
A. Still display it as an email input"
B. Display it as a text input
C. Not display it at all
D. Display it as a textarea
Q.7: What do sections encapsulate?
A. headers but not footers
B. any valid mark-up or content
C. divs only
D. headers and footers only
Q.8: Which of the following tags is used to define multiple media resources for <video> or <audio>?j
A. <embed>
B. <source>
C. <source>
D. <audio>
Q.9: What attribute makes a radio button or checkbox input selected??
A. selected="true"
B. checked="true"
C. checked="checked"
D. selected="selected"
Q.10: Height of the video player by &lt;video&gt; element depends:<
A. Width attribute
B. Size attribute
C. Height attribute
D. Height attribute

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