Linux Mcqs
Q.1: _____ is not a 'Terminal Emulator'.#
A. gnome-terminal
B. konsole
C. gdm
D. xterm
Q.2: To create one or more directories with the mkdir command, which permissions in the directory's parent directory do you need?|
A. write
B. create
C. execute
D. read
Q.3: Which Run Level provides "Full multiuser mode with network and X display manager"?R
A. Run Level 3
B. Run Level 1
C. Run Level 5
D. Run Level 4
Q.4: modinfo [options] ofile' will:
A. create a help file for kernel module ofile*
B. set information about kernel module ofile)
C. print information about kernel module ofile+
D. set default handling options for kernel module ofile4
Q.5: In a ps command output, the PPID displays the:.
A. Process's scheduling priority"
B. Number of memory pages (swap) of the process,
C. Process ID
D. Parent process ID
Q.6: GRUB stands for _____.
A. GNU Released Unix Booter
B. Great Unix Boot Loader
C. Gentoo's Regular Booter
D. Grand Unified Boot Loader
Q.7: To see the kernel routing tables, you do:)
A. route -w
B. cat /etc/routetab
C. route or netstat -r
D. routing
Q.8: 'mv -f' will:
A. will move the file in a fast mode, namely will not make any checks (like if there's enough space for the file)n
B. will move the file or directory to a FIFO device0
C. even if the target file exists, the operation will be carried out (and no warning messages on restricted access modes will be printed)
D. move the file to the filesystem indicated after the '-f' switch?
Q.9: How do you show all processes being run by a particular user?=
B. cat /etc/activeprocess | grep USERNAME&
C. top -U [USERNAME]
D. cat /home/USERNAME/open.process
Q.10: To display contents of files on standard output, you could use the command:K
A. All of these
B. less
C. more
D. cat

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