Machine Learning Mcqs
Q.1: Which of the following supervised learning algorithms is/are implemented by Apache Mahout?Z
A. Naive Bayes classifiers
B. Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
C. Neural Networks
D. Both a and c
Q.2: Which of the following classification algorithms should be used for the given scenario? The data is labeled and the number of samples is greater than 100k.
A. SGD Classifier
B. Kernel Approximation
C. Linear SVC
D. None of the above.
Q.3: In relation to SVM classification algorithm. which of the following options is used for the binary classification?r
A. Polynomial kernel
B. Radial Basis Function kernel
C. Sigmoid kernel
D. None of the above.
Q.4: In data mining, which of the following clustering methods reflects spatial distribution of the data points?k
A. Grid-based method
B. Model-based method
C. Partitioning method
D. Hierarchical method
Q.5: Which of the following formulae is used for correctly calculating the accuracy of the classification algorithms?p
A. Accuracy: 2(True Positive + True Negative) I Total Population ?
B. Accuracy: (True Positive + True Negative) / Total Population @
C. Accuracy: (True Positive + True Negative) / 2(Total Population)@
D. Accuracy: (True Positive x True Negative) / Total Population<
Q.6: Which of the following interfaces is/are supported by ScikitLearn tool?M
C. No Option
D. No Option
Q.7: What is the FI-Score of Random Forest algorithm used for classification?H
A. 0.6737
B. 0.5180
C. 0.5224
D. 0.6275
Q.8: What is the correct F1 score of the Random Forest algorithm of classification?T
A. 0.5924
B. 0.5171
C. 0.6518
D. 0.6275
Q.9: Which of the following simulation model types contain(s)probability?D
A. Deterministic simulations
B. Stochastic simulations
C. Both a and b
D. Neither a nor 0
Q.10: Can decision trees over fit data?'
A. Yes
B. No
C. No Option
D. No Option

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