Calcification And Eruption Of Teeth Mcqs
Q.1: The last primary tooth to be replaced by a permanent tooth is usually the_____________?W
A. Maxillary second molar
B. Mandibular second molar
C. Maxillary canine
D. Mandibular canine
Q.2: Calcification of permanent first molar usually begins in the_____________?J
A. Third month of intrauterine life
B. In the sixth month of intrauterine life'
C. At birth
D. In the third month of extra uterine life(
Q.3: The usual order of appearance of the primary teeth in the mouth is____________?O
A. Central incisors, first molars, lateral incisors, second molars, caninesH
B. Central incisors, lateral incisors, canines, second molars, first molarsH
C. Central incisors, lateral incisors, first molars canines, second molarsG
D. Central incisors, lateral incisors, first molars second molars, caninesG
Q.4: The first permanent tooth to erupt in the oral cavity is the_____________?J
A. Mandibular central incisor
B. Mandibular first molar
C. Maxillary central incisor
D. Maxillary first molar
Q.5: While charting the dentition of a child, the pedodontist finds that the following teeth are present in all the four quadrants; permanent central incisor , permanent lateral incisor , decidous cuspid , decidous first molar, decidous 2nd molar and permanent 1st molar. The eruptive pattern may be considered most nearly normal for a child aged_____________?c
A. 3-6 years
B. 7-10 years
C. 11-14 years
D. 15- 18 years
Q.6: Dentition of humans is_______________?&
A. Herbivorous
B. Omnivorous
C. Carnivorous
D. None of the above
Q.7: A child has 12 permanent and 12 decidous teeth, what is his age____________?L
A. 8 years
B. 11 years
C. 4 years
D. 13 years
Q.8: At birth the following teeth are calcifying____________?8
A. Primary incisors & first molar
B. Primary canines & second molars
C. Permanent canines
D. Permanent 3rd molar
Q.9: As compared to permanent tooth , root formation in primary tooth______________?O
A. Take less time
B. Take more time
C. Same time
D. Is complete when tooth erupts in oral cavity,
Q.10: A six- year molar begins to calcify at______________?5
A. Six months IU
B. At birth
C. 1 years after birth
D. 3 years age

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