Periodontal Ligament Mcqs
Q.1: The periodontal ligament_____________?&
A. Derives its blood supply primarily from the branches of vessels entering the pulpQ
B. Has a slow rate of turn over
C. Contains epithelial cells
D. Comprises primarily of type II collagen'
Q.2: Anchoring fibrills are composed of_____________?0
A. Type V and VII collagen
B. Type I and III collagen
C. Type IV collagen
D. Type IV and III Collagen
Q.3: Remnants of the Hertwigs root sheath are found in____________?A
A. Gingiva
B. Alveolar bone
C. Periodontal ligament
D. Cementum
Q.4: All of the following cells of periodontal ligament are of mesenchymal origin except______________?b
A. Fibroblasts
B. Multi totipotent cells
C. Cementoblasts
D. Cell rests of malassez
Q.5: The vascular supply of the periodontal ligament is______________?A
A. Greatest in the middle-third of a single rotted tooth5
B. Greatest in the middle-third of a multirooted tooth3
C. A net like plexus that runs closer to the cementum than to the boneC
D. A net like plexus that runs closer to the bone than to the cementumC
Q.6: Intermediate plexus is seen in the____________?/
A. Cementum
C. Pulp
D. Dentin
Q.7: Bone adjacent to periodontal ligament that contains a great number of sharpeys fibres is known as______________?s
A. Lamina dura
B. Bundle bone
C. Lamina propria
D. Lamina densa
Q.8: Collagen biosynthesis occurs inside the______________?6
A. Chondroblasts
B. Odontoblasts
C. Osteoblasts
D. Fibroblasts
Q.9: Principal fibres of periodontal ligament are attached to_____________?F
A. Alveolar bone proper
B. Bundle bone
C. Lamellar bone
D. Cortical bone
Q.10: The calcified mass found in the PDL are_____________?5
A. Cementicles
B. Osteoblasts
C. Cementoclasts
D. Osteoclasts

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