PULP And Periapical Infections Mcqs
Q.1: All of the following statements about the typical features of a periapical granuloma are true EXCEPT:e
A. It consists of proliferating granulation tissue/
B. It can form only if the periapical bone is resorbed3
C. It shows evidence of local antibody production.
D. It results from immunologically mediated tissue damage6
Q.2: Phelogmon is a:__________?
A. Se*ually transmitted disease
B. Type of cellulites
C. Type of osteomyelitis
D. Venereal disease
Q.3: Most common cyst in oral region is:__________?.
A. Medial cyst
B. Radicular cyst
C. Follicular cyst
D. Naso labial cyst
Q.4: Dental cyst:_______________?
A. Occurs from the reduced enamel epithelium)
B. Replaces the tooth to which it it attached*
C. Is frequently seen with a missing tooth on the X-ray4
D. Cystic lining of stratified squamous epithelium/
Q.5: The earliest response of pulpitis is:__________?0
A. Cyst formation
B. Calcification
C. Hyalinization
D. Formation of dental granuloma
Q.6: Garres chronic non suppurative sclerosing osteomyelitis is characterized clinically by:____________?g
A. Endosteal bone formation
B. Periosteal bone formation
C. Resorption of medullary bone
D. Resorption of cortical bone
Q.7: Abscess formation is particularly characteristic of infections with which of the following microorganisms:_____________?x
A. Viruses
B. Rickettsiae
C. Streptococci
D. Staphylococci
Q.8: Organism involved in cellulitis is:___________?/
A. Strept. mutans
B. Strept. pyogenes
C. Pneumococci
D. klebsiella
Q.9: An acute apical abscess is usually a result of:__________?:
A. Periodontal pocket
B. Occlusal interference
C. Necrotic pulp
D. Chronic gingivitis
Q.10: Which of the following periapical conditions is often associated with a vital pulp?S
A. Apical cyst
B. Apical scar
C. Condensing osteitis
D. Chronic apical periodontitis

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