Diseases Of Bone Joints Mcqs
Q.1: Osteogenesis imperfecta_____________?%
A. In a se*-linked disorder of bones that develop that develop in cartilageH
B. manifests with blue sclera which are pathognomonic of this dieaseA
C. May be associated with deafness
D. Has associations with amelogenesis imperfecta-
Q.2: Which of the following diseases of the bone characteristically exhibits (in contrast to the other three conditions) a single lesion in a single bone ?
A. Central giant cell granuloma
B. Osteopetrosis
C. Pagets disease of the bone
D. Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
Q.3: Which of the following has the potential of undergoing Spontaneous malignant transformation _____________?j
A. Osteomalacia
B. Albrights syndrome
C. Pagets disease of bone
D. Osteogenesis imperfecta
Q.4: In a middle aged man the radiograph shows cotton-wool appearance and blood investigation reveal an elevated alkaline phosphatase levels. The tentative diagnosis is____________?
A. Pagets disease
B. Cherubism
C. Fibrous dysplasia
D. Osteogenesis imperfecta
Q.5: Clavicle is absent is______________?$
A. Osteogenesis imperfecta
B. Cleidocranial dysostosis
C. Fibrous dysplasia
D. Osteopetrosis
Q.6: A 3-year old patient reports of painless progressive bilateral facial swellings. The tentative diagnosis is______________?z
A. Cherubism
B. Monostotic fibrous dysplasia
C. Ployostotic fibrous dysplasia
D. Central giant cell granuloma
Q.7: The primary causative factor for myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome of the TMJ is_______________?b
A. Infratemporal space infection
B. Auriculotemporal neuritis
C. Muscular overextension and over contraction+
D. Otitis media
Q.8: Downs syndrome is associated with all except__________________?B
A. Retrognathia
B. Periodontal disease
C. Premature loss off deciduous teeth"
D. Delayed eruption of deciduous teeth#
Q.9: The most common cause of TMJ ankylosis is______________?8
A. Trauma
B. Osteoarthritis
C. Childhood illness
D. Rheumatoid arthritis
Q.10: Alkaline phosphatase increases in_____________?/
A. Pagets disease
B. Osteopetrosis
C. Cherubism
D. Fibrous dysplasia

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