Physical And Chemical Injuries Mcqs
Q.1: A patient with emotional problems, increased salivation; pallor of oral mucosa and a grayish blue discoloration of the gingiva. These findings are most consistent with a clinical impression of____________?
A. Cherubism
B. Cretinism
C. Pierre Robin Syndrome
D. Lead poisoning
Q.2: The etiology of angioedema is____________?*
A. Sensitivity to acrylic resin
B. Using ACE inhibitors
C. Hereditary
D. All of the above
Q.3: Cyst without lining is______________?%
A. Radicular cyst
B. Dentigerous cyst
C. Naso palatine duct cyst
D. Hemorrhagic / Traumatic bone cyst!
Q.4: Angular stomatitis_____________?
A. can be a concomitant of any candidal infection.
B. is seen mainly in adults
C. may be associated with streptococcus$
D. may be a sign of anaemia
Q.5: Enlargement of lip occured with in seconds to 24 hours is_______________?I
A. Angioedema
B. Mucocoele
C. Herpes
D. Fibroma
Q.6: Eighty percent of all salivary stones occur in___________?:
A. Parotid
B. Submandibular
C. Sublingual
D. Minor salivary glands
Q.7: Mucooceles are rarely seen in the_______________?1
A. Lower lip
B. Upper lip
C. Buccal mucosa
D. Floor of the mouth
Q.8: In a 2 year old child, a bluish dome shaped swelling on the inner side of the lip is mostly_____________?i
A. Hematoma
B. Mucocoele
C. Hemangioma
D. None of the above
Q.9: Silver tatoo is due to_____________?$
A. deposition of Ag Amalgam in Mucosa"
B. deposition of Ag Amalgam in Bone
C. deposition of Ag Amalgam in Dentin"
D. deposition of Ag Amalgam in Enamel"
Q.10: Bismuth intoxication is manifested as______________?4
A. pigmentation is areas of inflammation%
B. Burtonian line
C. Gingiva
D. Blackish line in the mucosa

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