Mouth Pharynx Larynx Mcqs
Q.1: The nerve that is related to pyriform recess in pharynx__________________?J
A. Rcurrent laryngeal
B. External laryngeal
C. Internal laryngeal
D. Glosso pharyngeal
Q.2: Muscles which open the glottis are________________?3
A. Cricothyroid
B. Thyroarytenoid
C. Posterior cricoarytenoid
D. Lateral cricoarytenoid
Q.3: Lymph from lower lip middle part drains directly into _______________?J
A. Submandibular nodes
B. Submental nodes
C. Sublingual nodes
Q.4: Abductors of larynx are_______________?'
A. Posterior cricoarytendoids
B. Transverse arytenoids
C. Cricothyroid
D. All of the above
Q.5: All the following muscles of larynx are supplied by the recurrent laryngeal nerve except________________?i
A. Cricohyoid
B. Cricothyroid
C. Arytenoid
D. Aryepiglotticus
Q.6: Soft palate is made up of________________?*
A. Palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus"
B. Uvula
C. Mucous membrane and muscles
D. All of the above
Q.7: What is maxillary air sinus ?
A. Paranasal air sinus situated close to maxilla-
B. Venous sins situated close to maxilla%
C. Paranasal air sinus situated in maxilla'
D. Venous sinus extending in to the maxilla(
Q.8: First sinus developed ______________?%
A. Maxillary sinus
B. Frontal sinus
C. Sphenoidal sinus
D. Ethmoidal sinus
Q.9: Sphenoidal air sinus is supplied by which nerve______________?>
A. Posterior ethmoidal
C. Sphenoidal
D. Infratemporal
Q.10: All of the following statements regarding pharynx are correct except_____________?R
A. The opening of auditory tube is located in the lateral wall of naxopharynxJ
B. The soft palate is at the level of separation of nasopharynx and the oropharynxO
C. The pharynx is continuous with the esophagus at the level of sixth cervical vertebraeU
D. The afferent limb of the gag reflex is 10th cranial nerve; the efferent limb is IX cranial nerve`

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