Development And Growth Of Teeth Mcqs
Q.1: The bud, cap and bell stage of the developing tooth are based, on growth of the______________?^
A. Stellate reticulum
B. Dental papilla
C. Enamel organ
D. Dental sac
Q.2: Dental papilla gives rise to_____________?*
A. Pulp only
B. Pulp & Dentin
C. Pulp & Periodontal ligament
D. All of the above
Q.3: Disturbance during the morphodifferentition stage of tooth development will result in______________?d
A. Change in number of teeth
B. Ameloblastoma
C. Change in form and shape of the teeth%
D. Hypoplasia
Q.4: First appearance of tooth formation occurs in____________?:
A. 6th week IU
B. 2nd week IU
C. 9th week IU
D. 4th week IU
Q.5: In multirooted teeth, formation of multiple roots is due to presence of_____________?U
A. Epithelial diaphragm
B. Cell rests of Malassez
C. Toot bud division or bell stage
D. None of the above
Q.6: The formation of the dental lamina is initiated by______________?A
A. Forebrain
B. Rathkes pouch
C. Neural crest cells
D. Odontoblasts
Q.7: The hertwigs epithelial root shealth is essential to development of the root because it_______________?j
A. Gives rise to cementoblasts that produce cementum of the root=
B. Moulds the shape of roots and stimulates differentiation of odontoblastsH
C. Given rise to odontoblasts that lay down dentin of the root;
D. Remians as an essential constituents of the periodontal ligament@
Q.8: Which of the following anomalies occur during the initiation and proliferation of tooth development ?e
A. Amelogenisis imperfecta
B. Dentinogenesis imperfecta
C. Enamel hypoplasia
D. Oligodontia
Q.9: Lip furrow band is______________?!
A. Vestibular lamina
B. Successional lamina
C. Dental lamina
D. Basal lamina
Q.10: Temporary structures in enamel organ are (before enamel formation) ?D
A. Enamel knot
B. Enamel cord
C. Both A and B
D. Enamel Cuticle

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