Oral Pathology And Medicine Mcqs
Q.1: Feature of acanthosis nigricans is______________?1
A. Insulinoma, obesity & cutaneous hypopigmentation0
B. Insulin resistance, obesity, cutaneous hyperpigmentation8
C. Thickening of spinous layer, insulin resistance, obesity8
D. Thickening of spinous layer insulin resistance, lean4
Q.2: Radiographs of a 40 years old female revealed radiolucent areas around several of her mandibular teeth, all which tested vital on the electric pulp tester, These area represent ?
A. Multiple granulomas
B. Periapical osteofibroses
C. Chronic periapical abscesses
D. Bone hypoplasias associated with opalescent teeth1
Q.3: Forensic Identification utilizes_________________?2
A. Lip prints
B. Lip Schutz bodies
C. Lip pits
D. Lip reading
Q.4: Endocarditis prophylaxis is recommended during following dental procedures except_____________?_
A. Dental extractions
B. Initial placement of orthodontic brackets)
C. Intracanal endodontic treatment
D. Periodontal procedures
Q.5: A radiograph of the mandibular anterior teeth in a patient reveals radiolucencies above the apices of right lateral and central incisors. No restorations or cavities are present There is no pain or swelling and the pulps are vital. The diagnosis is_________________?
A. Periapical granuloma
B. Cementoblastoma
C. Radicular cyst
D. Chronic abscess
Q.6: Alveolitis sicca dolorosa is otherwise known as____________?<
A. Trigeminal neuralgia
B. Sicca syndrome
C. Dry socket
D. Myospherulosis
Q.7: Tubular (Canalicular) adenoma occurs on_____________?5
A. Tubular (Canalicular) adenoma occurs on:(
B. Upper lip
C. Palate
D. Lower lip
Q.8: Disease characterized by insidious onset and by an absolute increased in number of circulating RBCs and in total blood volume ?
A. Leukopenia
B. Oslers disease
C. Mediterranean disease
D. Aplastic anaemia
Q.9: Biopsy of a clinically suspicious lesion is negative. The most appropriate treatment is_______________?g
A. Tell patient no malignancy
B. Repeat the biopsy
C. Observe the patient for twelve months%
D. Observe the patient for three months$
Q.10: Cardiac condition requiring Antibiotic prophylaxis for infective Endocarditis ?O
A. Coronary Heart Disease
B. Rheumatic Heart Disease
C. Cardiac Pacemakers
D. Hypertensive Heart Disease

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