Central Nervous System Mcqs
Q.1: The term liberty has been drawn from the Latin term: ________?>
A. Libel
B. Lingua
C. Labour
D. Liber
Q.2: Who said that from liberty is meant, Every man is free to do what he wills, provided he infringes not the freedom of other man?
A. Laski
B. G.H. Cole
C. Herbert Spencer
D. Liber
Q.3: Type of liberty, which a man enjoys as a member of civil society, is called: _________?W
A. Natural liberty
B. Civil liberty
C. Political liberty
D. Economic liberty
Q.4: The liberty, which people enjoy for earning their bread, is called: _________?N
A. Economic liberty
B. Political liberty
C. Civil liberty
D. Natural liberty
Q.5: When national enjoy both interns as well as external liberty it is called: _________?U
A. Economic liberty
B. Political liberty
C. National liberty
D. Natural liberty
Q.6: Who said that liberty is primarily absence of restraints?9
A. Seeley
B. Laski
C. Benjamin
D. G.H.Cole
Q.7: According to Individualists people can enjoy maximum liberty only when state: ________?W
A. Performs minimum functions
B. Does not exist
C. Performs maximum functions
D. Performs maximum optional functions#
Q.8: Liberty means: __________?
A. Freedom to do whatever one likes
B. Absence of restraints
C. Presence of opportunity to achieve the fullest development of personalityI
D. Power to do anything
Q.9: Which of the following is not an essential condition for maintaining liberty?M
A. Economic equality
B. Discretionary powers with the executive'
C. Rule of law
D. Independence of judiciary
Q.10: Who of the following has laid stress on negative aspect of liberty?C
A. Max. Lerner
B. Sartori
C. J.S. Mill
D. Gettell

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