Diseases Of Blood And Lymphnodes Mcqs
Q.1: A reduction in the total leucocyte count is called_________________?D
A. Leucocytosis
B. Leucopenia
C. Leucorrhoea
D. Leukemia
Q.2: In hemephilic patient which of the following should not be given_______________?P
A. Factor VIII concentrate
B. Cryoprecipitate
D. Platelet factor
Q.3: In sickle cell anemia there is substitution of_________________?@
A. Valine for glutamic acid at the sixth position of beta chain<
B. Phenylalanine for glutamic acid
C. Tyrosine for valine at the 6th position at beta chain5
D. All of the above
Q.4: Pernicious anaemia is associated with the deficiency of________________?H
A. Folic acid
B. Vitamin B1
C. Vitamin B6
D. Vitamin B12
Q.5: A patient reports with dyspnoea on slight exertion. He also has multiple petechial spots and spontaneous hemorrhage. His RBC count is less than one lakh/mm3 His hematocrit and hemoglobin is low. Most probable diagnosis is______________?
A. Pernicious anemia
B. Thalassemia
C. Aplastic anemia
D. Sprue
Q.6: Gingiva are enlarged in leukemia because of__________________?>
A. Capillary dilation
B. Erythrocyte engorgement
C. Edema
D. WBC infiltration
Q.7: In leucopenia, which cell type is predominantly involved ?:
A. Erythrocytes
B. Granulocytes
C. Eosinophils
D. Monocytes
Q.8: Hemophilia_______________?
A. Affects males and females equally!
B. Increased clotting time in all patients'
C. Nerve blocks can be given safely
D. Is a congenital disorder
Q.9: In iron deficiency anemia there is_________________?4
A. Decrease in hemoglobin
B. Increase in hemoglobin
C. Increase in palatelets
D. Decrease in platelets
Q.10: Both beta chains of haemoglobin are abnormal in_________________?A
A. Heterozygous sickle cell trait
B. Thalassemia major
C. Homozygous sickle cell anemia
D. Megaloblastic anemia

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