Enzymes Mcqs
Q.1: Enzyme + coenzyme constitutes_____________?+
A. Apoenzyme
B. Proenzyme
C. Protoenzyme
D. Holoenzyme
Q.2: Hexokinase is a______________?
A. 1.Transferase
B. 2.Reductase
C. 3.Oxidoreductase
D. 4.Oxidase
Q.3: Coenzyme responsible for single carbon transfer is______________?A
A. Acetyl co enzyme A
B. Biotin
D. Pyridoxine
Q.4: Michaelis-Menten hypothesis states that_____________?5
A. Rate of enzymatic reaction is independent of substrate concentrationD
B. Rate of non enzymatic reaction is proportional to substrate concentrationI
C. Km is the enzyme substrate complex association constant7
D. Enzyme- substrate complex formation is essential in enzymatic reactionF
Q.5: Muscle glycogen, which cannot contribute to blood glucose due to the absence of which enzymes ?_
A. Phosphoglutamase
B. Branching enzyme
C. Debranching enzyme
D. Glucose-6-phosphotase
Q.6: Elevated levels of serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase in indicative of______________?Z
A. Deficiency of glutamic acid
B. Deficiency of oxaloacetic acid
C. Liver disease
D. All of the above
Q.7: The enzyme that is specifically increased in obstructive jaundice is_____________?R
A. Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase#
B. Glutamate pyruvate transaminase
C. Alkaline phosphaase
D. Acid phosphatase
Q.8: Acetyl Co-A acts as a substrate for all the enzymes except______________?I
A. HMG-Co A synthase
B. Malic enzyme
C. Malonyl CoA synthetase
D. Fatty acid synthetase
Q.9: Km of an enzyme is_____________?
A. Dissociation constant
B. The normal physiological substrate concentration0
C. Substrate concentration at half maximal velocity0
D. Numerically identical for all isozymes that catalyses a given reactionF
Q.10: A material that speeds up a chemical reaction without chemically becoming involved is called_____________?j
A. A solvent
B. A base
C. A catalyst
D. Thermoplastic

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