General Physiology Mcqs
Q.1: During exercise_____________?
A. Cerebral blood flow increases if there is increase in systolic blood pressureM
B. Body temperature increases
C. Blood flow to muscle increases after 1 minute/
D. Lymphatic flow from muscle decrease#
Q.2: The percentage of body water is greater in_______________?:
A. Male than in females
B. Children than in adult
C. Obese than in lean individuals
D. old than in young objects
Q.3: Meiotic division of male germ cells commence_______________?<
A. During intra uterine life
B. just before birth
C. by around 6 years after birth
D. by around 16 years
Q.4: Which among the following is also called peak less insulin analog ?I
A. Insulin lispro
B. Insulin glargine
C. Insulin aspart
D. Lente insulin
Q.5: T- lymphocytes play a primary role in_________________?7
A. Production of Antibodies
B. production of lymphokines and delayed hypersensitivity6
C. Activation of complement system
D. Immediate Hypersensitivity
Q.6: To check objective pain response, which is best used method_______________?K
A. Facial pain scale
B. Knee jerk reflex
C. H- Reflex
D. R III Reflex
Q.7: Gut associated lymphoid tissue ( GALT) is primarily located in______________?M
A. Lamina propria
B. Submucosa
C. Muscularis
D. Serosa
Q.8: Which of the following events DO NOT occur in rods in response to light_______________?W
A. Structural changes in rhodopsin
B. Activation of transducin
C. Decreased intracellular cGMP
D. Opening of Na+ channels
Q.9: In peripheral tissues which of the following contains substance P______________?P
A. Plasma cell
B. Mast cell
C. Nerve terminal
D. Vascular endothelium
Q.10: Most important function of albumin in body is_______________?=
A. Oncotic pressure
B. Drug transport
C. Toxic transport
D. Coagulation

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