Oral Aspects Of Metabolic Disease Mcqs
Q.1: Delayed eruption of at least part of the dentition is a recognized feature of all of the following EXCEPT____________?v
A. Rickets
B. Congenital hyperthyroidism
C. Cleidocranial dysplasia
D. Cherubism
Q.2: Which of the following is related to an enzyme deficiency and involves periodontal destruction around primary teeth______________?
A. Hypophosphatasia
B. Cyclic neutropenia
C. Juvenile Periodontitis
D. Papillion Lefevre syndrome
Q.3: The deficiency of which of the following vitamins does not effect on tooth development______________?e
A. Vit A
B. Vit D
C. Vit C
D. Vit K
Q.4: Addisons disease is related to________________?2
A. Adrenal medulla
B. Adrenal cortex
C. Post pituitary
D. Parathyroid gland
Q.5: Dinesh, a 24-year old male, complains of loose teeth in a single quardrant. His radiograph shows irregular bone loss and histopathology reveals eosinophils and histiocytes. The most probable diagnosis is______________?
A. Hand- Schuller-Christian disease
B. Pagets disease
C. Osteoclastoma
D. Albrights syndrome
Q.6: Which of the following deficiencies are associated with the disorders of hyperplasia of salivary gland and keratinisation of the salivary gland______________?
A. Vit A
B. Vit B
C. Vit C
D. Vit K
Q.7: Deficiency of which of the following will cause enamel hypoplasia ?C
A. Vitamin B and C
B. Vitamin A, C and D
C. Calcium
D. Vitamin C
Q.8: Gingiva is most commonly affected by deficiency of_____________?@
A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin D
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin B
Q.9: Diabetes insipidus, bone lesions lesions and exophthalmos is seen in________________?U
A. Sickle cell anemia
B. Niemen pick disease
C. Littere Siewe Disease
D. Hand-Schuller-Christian disease
Q.10: An etiological factor for macroglossia is_____________________??
A. Atrophic glossitis
B. Oral submucous fibrosis
C. Syphilitic glossitis
D. Hurlers syndrome

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